Chess Problem Composition


A selection of my chess problems



Text Box: I am giving here a small selection of my "mate-in-two-moves" problems. My chess composition activities include a wide range of chess problem genres including helpmates, selfmates, and fairy chess problems. The problems are arranged chronologically.



Paz Einat

"Nice Olympic Tourney" 1974

#2                                       12 + 11





1...Bg4 (a) 2.Sc3 (A)#
1...Rb7 (b) 2.Sf6 (B)#

Solution: 1.Bc5! threat 2.d8=Q#

1...Bg4 (a) 2.Sf6 (B)#
1...Rb7 (b) 2.Sc3 (A)#

Reciprocal changes

Paz Einat
3rd Prize Israel Ring Tourney 1975

FIDE Album 1974-1976 #53

#2                                         10 + 6

Try: 1.Qf3? (2.Qc3#) but: 1...Qh8!
1...S:a4 (a) 2.Qd3#
1...Sd7 (b) 2.Qb3#

Try: 1.Re3 (A)? (2.Rc3#) but: 1...Qh8!
1...S:a4 (a) 2.Qf1 (C)#
1...Sd7 (b) 2.Q:e6 (D)#

Try: 1.Rd5 (B)? (R:c5#) but: 1...Qf2!
1...S:a4 (a) 2.Q:e6 (D)#
1...Sd7 (b) 2.Qf1 (C)#

Try: 1.Qf1? (2.Re4#) but: 1...Sd3!
1...S:a4 (a) 2.Re3 (A)#
1...Sd7 (b) 2.Re5 (B)#

Solution: 1.R:e6! (2.Re4#)
1...S:a4 (a) 2.Re5 (B)#
1...Sd7 (b) 2.Re3 (A)#

Double reciprocal changes
Keys become thematic mates
"Zaguroiko" 5x2

Paz Einat
"Al Hamishmar" 1975

#2                                        13 + 9

1...Qf5(a)   2.Bf3(A)#

1...R:d4(b) 2.Sbc3(B)#
1...S:f4(c)   2.R:f4#

1...Se3(d)   2.Sdc3#
1...e:f6        2.S:f6#


1.Se3! (2.Qc6,d5#)

1...Qf5(a)  2.B:f5#

1...R:d4(b) 2.Q:d4#
1...S:f4(c)  2.Bf3(A)#

1...Se3(d)  2.Sbc3(B)#
1...e:f6       2.Sd6#

Ideal "Ruchlis"
A total of 5 mate changes

Paz Einat
2nd HM "Israel Ring Tourney" 1976

FIDE Album 1974-76 #199

#2                                        13 + 9

Try: 1.Bc2?  2.Qg5 (X)#
1...g:f6  2.Sd6 (A)#
1...Sg4 2.Sg3 (B)#
but: 1...Sf3 (a)!

Try: 1.Sf2?  2.Qe4#
1...Sf3 (a) 2.Qg4#
1...f3   (b) 2.Qg5 (X)#
but: 1...R:b6!

Solution: 1.Q:g7!  2.Qh7#
1...Sf3 (a) 2.Sd6 (A)#
1...f3   (b) 2.Sg3 (B)#

Gradual "Ruchlis"

Paz Einat
 3rd Com "Probleemblad" 1977


( 12 + 12

Try: 1.Qd3 (A)? zz
1...Ba6 (a) 2.d:c5 (C)#
1...f4 (b) 2.d:e5 (D)#
but: 1...c:d4!

Try: 1.d:c4 (C)? zz
1...Ba6 (a) 2.Qd3 (A)#
1...f4 (b) 2.Qd4 (B)#
but: 1...f:g5!

Solution: 1.d:e5 (D)! zz
1...Ba6 (a) 2.Qd4 (B)#
1...f4 (b) 2.Qd3 (A)#


Reciprocal changes

Thematic mates of the first try are Keys of second try and solution.

"Zaguroiko" 3x2

Paz Einat
2nd HM "Israel Ring Tourney" 1978


#2                                       10 + 11

1...Be3 2.Qe4(A)#

1...Re3 2.Q:d4(B)#
1...Sb4 2.Qf4#

Try: 1.Se7? (2.Rd5#)
1...Sf5 2.Sc6#

1...f5 2.S:g6#
but: 1...Sb4!

Solution: 1.Se3! (2.Rd5#)
1...Sf5 2.Qe4(A)#

1...f5 2.Q:d4(B)#
1...Sb4 2.S:c4#

Gradual Ruchlis
Delayed Novotny

Paz Einat
Probleemblad 1978

FIDE Album 1977-79 #8

#2                                           7 + 4

Try: 1.Rb5?  2.Rb6#
1...Qd3 (a) 2.d8=Q (A)#
1...Qe3 (b) 2.d8=S (B)#
but: 1...Sc4!

Solution 1.Sb5!  2.Sa7#
1...Qd3 (a) 2.d8=S (B)#
1...Qe3 (b) 2.d8=Q (A)#

Reciprocal changes
White Promotions

Paz Einat
"Themes 64" 1979

FIDE Album 1977-79 #61

( 10 + 6

1...Qb3 (a) 2.Q:c5#
1...Qb4 (b) 2.Qd3#

Try: 1.d:c5 (A)? 2.Rd4#
1...Qb3 (a) 2.Se2 (B)#
1...Qb4 (b) 2.Sd3#
but: 1...Qd8!

Solution: 1.Se2 (B)! 2.Qc3#
1...Qb3 (a) 2.d:c5 (A)#
1...Qb4 (b) 2.d5#

"Zagoruiko" 3x2
Keys become mates
Battery play

Paz Einat
2nd Com Visserman Memorial Tourney 1980

#2                                           8 + 9

Try: 1.Qf5?  2.Q,Rd3#
1...c4 (a) 2.Sf3   (A)#
1...e4 (b) 2.Q:d5 (B)#
but 1...Sc3 (c)!

Try: 1.Qh3? (2.Q,Rd3#)
1...c4 (a) 2.Sb3 (C)#
1...e4 (b) 2.Q:h8#
1...Sc3 (c) 2.Q:c3#
but 1...f3!

Solution: 1.Qb5! (2.Q,Rd3#)
1...c4 (a) 2.Q:d5 (B)#
1...e4 (b) 2.Sf3   (A)#
1...Sc3 (c) 2.Sb3 (C)#

Reciprocal changes
Zaguroiko 3x2 (almost 3x3)
Mate transfer

Paz Einat and Aharon Hirschenson
1st HM Israel Ring Tourney 1980

#2                                       10 + 10

1...B:a3 (a) 2.Qe5(A),Q:f4(B),Qf5(C)#

Try: 1.S:g4? 2.Qe5 (A)
1...B:a3 (a) 2.Q:f4 (B)#
but: 1...d3!

Try: 1.c4? 2.Q:f4 (B)#
1...B:a3 (a) 2.Qf5 (C)#
but: 1...d:c3 e.p.!

Try: 1.Sh4! 2.Qf5(C)#
1...B:a3 (a) 2.Qe5(A)#

Cyclic le-Grand = ukrainian cycle

Paz Einat
1st Place Israel-France Match 1983

#2                                          9 + 7

1...Se2  2.Qe5(A)#

1...Sfe6 2.Qc6(B)#

Solution: 1.Sf3!  2.Rd4#
1...Se2 2.Se7#

1...Sfe6 2.Sb6#
1...Sb3 2.Qe5(A)#

1...Sce6 2.Qc6(B)#

Line openings

Paz Einat
1st HM Phenix 1988

FIDE Album 1986-1988 #159

#2                                        13 + 7

1...Rg3 (a) 2.Sd6 (A)#
1...Be5 (b) 2.B:d3 (B)#

Try: 1.Qg2? 2.Sg7#
1...Ke4 (c) 2.B:d3 (B)#
1...Rg3 (a) 2.e4 (C)#
but: 1...Be5 (b)!

Solution: 1.Qh4! 2.Sg7#
1...Be5 (b) 2.e4 (C)#
1...Ke4 (c) 2.Sd6 (A)#

Cyclic mating permutations
self-pins after Black King move to flight

Copyright © 2005 Paz Einat -- All rights reserved