Chess Problem Art by Paz Einat A selection of my problem |
אומנות בעיות השחמט מאת פז עינת מבחר מבעיותי - באנגלית |
Problem of the week -
Solutions |
Problem #8
Horatio L. Musante 1st Prize Il Due Mosse 1952 #2 ( 9 + 9 ) |
Set: 1...e6 2.Rcxc8 # 1...e5 2.Sc7 # There are mates ready for every move by black in the diagram position. (1...Bb7/Sb~ 2. Rxd7/Sc3 #) However, white have no waiting move. The solution changes the mates on the thematic moves Solution: 1.Kb4 ! zz The king is now exposed to checks by the BP/BB battery but it guards square c5, enabling mates by the white rook. 1...e6 + 2.Rc5 # 1...e5 + 2.Rd6 # These are now two "cross-check" variations which are the line to the previous problem. 1...axb5 2.Qxb5 # 1...Bb7 2.Rxd7 # 1...Sb~ 2.Sc3 # |
Problem #7
Comins Monsfield 1st prize American Chess Bulletin 1948 #2 ( 9 + 8 ) |
1.Bf4! [2.Re5‡] 1…Bb3+ 2.Kxb3‡ 1…Bxd5 2.Kc1‡ 1…Bd3+,Qd3+ 2.exd3‡ 1…Qd2+ 2.Kxd2‡ 1…Qd1+ 2.Kxd1‡ 1…Qc3+,Qxd5 2.K(x)c3‡ 1…Qb2+ 2.Kxb2‡ The problem presents an intensive combination of "cross-checks" and half-pin. Cross-check is a term given for a check answered by check (mate in our case). As can be seen, there are two variations with duals. Are these serious duals? Can they be prevented? The half-pin is the link to the previous problem. 1…Qe3,Qg1,Qa1 2.Rd8‡ 1…Rxa8 2.Qxh1‡ (1…Qe5 2.Kc1,Kd1,Kd2‡ 1…Qf2 2.K~,Rd8‡) |
Problem #6
Herbert Ahues 1st Prize Die Schwalbe 1948 #2 ( 9 + 10 ) |
1.Bh1! [2.Sxh3‡] 1…Bf1 2.Be5‡ 1…Be6! 2.Qd6‡ This is a "correction" move. It prevents the mate 2.Be5# by cutting of the white queen guard on f5 while 2.Be5 cut the guard of the white rook on f5. But this defense interferes with black rook h6 and allows 2.Qd6# 1…Bxf2 2.Sd5‡ 1…Bf6! 2.Sce6‡ Again a correction move. 2.Sd5# is prevented since e5 will not be guarded, again by cutting off lines by both black & white. Again we have interference with rook h6 which enables the mate. The different ways the defenses work should not be missed. 1…Sf5+,Sxh1 2.Q(x)f5‡ So the themes of this problem are the half-pin combined with the interferences which are the link to the previous problem. |
Problem #5
Jacques Savournin 1st Prize The Problemist 1960 #2 ( 6 + 9 ) |
1.B~? [2.Qc8#] but 1…Rc6! 1.Bf6? [2.Qc8,Sd6#] but 1…Bxf7+! A random move by the white bishop threatens 2.Qc8# but white must cope with black's move 1...Rc6. A direct interference on f6 also interferes with the white queen but an "indirect" interference on c7 works. This is called "white correction" 1.Bc7! [2.Qc8#] 1…Re6 2.Rf8# 1…Be6 2.Sd6# Grimshaw interferences: the defense with the rook is an unpis. 1…Sfe6 2.Re7# 1…Sce6 2.Qb5# Two additional interferences one of them unpin. In total we have two unpin interferences of the bishop and two interferences of the rook. 1…Sxb7,Sd7 2.Q(x)d7# 1…Bxf7+ 2.Qxf7# 1…Rd6 2.Sxd6# And the link to the previous problem is the interferences. |
Problem #4 - Solution Milos Tomasevic 3rd Prize Sahovski glasnik 1955 #2 ( 11 + 9 ) |
1.Bc1! [2.Rxd4#] 1…Sb5 2.c3# 1…Sb3 2.c4# These two variations show battery interference mate after interferences by black 1…Rd3,Bd3 2.exd3# 1…Rxf3,Sxf3 2.exf3# More pawn battery mates 1…Sf5 2.Qg4# 1…Sc6 2.Sd6# 1…Se6 2.Qxh7# Subtle interferences - white must chose the mates very carefully. 1…Rb4 2.Sd6# 1…Qc5,Qc4,Qc3 2.Qg4# The link to the previous problem is the four pawn battery mates, this time by two different batteries. |
Problem #3 - Solution Jean Oudot Le Probleme 1949 #2 ( 11 + 3 ) |
1.Se3! White to play Excellent key providing 2 flights 1…Rxb3+ 2.cxb3# 1…Rc4 2.c3# 1…Rxc5 2.c4# 1…Rxd3 2.cxd3# These four variations show the Albino theme: all 4 possible moves of a white pawn. 1…Rxc2 2.Rxc2# 1…Kd2 2.Qd1# 1…Kf2 2.Qf1# A pleasing problem and the link to the previous one are the four mates by a single battery |
Problem #2 - Solution Lev Loshinsky 1st Prize Russian Committee of Sports T.T. 1953 #2 ( 9 + 9 ) |
Solution: 1.Qh7! [2.Se6#] The key provides a flight and the threat is a battery mate harmonizing with the main content. 1…Rh5 2.Bg5# 1…Rh3 2.Bg3# Half-pin with battery interferences of the rooks that moved beyond a critical square, 1…e5 2.Be3# 1…Bc3 2.Be5# Here we have self-interferences matched by battery interferences. These completes a "Bishop star" (1…Rxd6+/ 2.Bxd6/Bxe5#) The connection to the previous problem is easy: the half-pin. |
Problem #1
- Solution Loric Bata 1st Prize Sahovski vjesnik 1951-2 #2 ( 11 + 7 ) |
Solution: 1.Qa2! [2.Qb1#] Elegant long key - note how other places for the queen, like b3 or c4, are prevented. 1…Rc5 2.Sd6# 1…Rc6 2.Qd5# In these two variations we see a combination of half-pin and interferences 1…Rf2 2.Qe6# 1…Rxg2 2.Qxa8# In these two variations the unique mates are enforced by the flight (free square for the king) given by the defences. |