Israel Chess Problem Solving Championship 2008
The problems (download Hebrew version with points distribution: Round 1, Round 2)
The Problems
1st Round
Comins Mansfield
2# 9 + 7 |
1.Rh7! zz. 1...S:e8 2.Rc5# 1...Se6 2.S4f6# 1...S:f5 2.Q:f5# 1...S:h5 2.Rf8# 1...e6 2.R:g7# 1...e5 2.R:e5#
Half-pin Four different Pin mates following the moves of Black Knight g7. |
Arie Grinbladt
3# 9 + 10 |
1.Ra4! threat: 2.d4+ 1...S:d3 2.Ra5+ Kd4 3.Sf3# 1...B:d3 2.b4+ Kd4 3.Be5# 1...S:b3 2.Rc4+ 1...R:b3+ 2.S:b3+
Anticipatory Self-blocks with dual avoidance Appearance of threat mates as replies in variations |
A. Mironov
4# 9 + 11 |
1.Qd7! threat: 2.Q:f5+ Be5 3.Qd7+ 1...Sd4+ 2.Kf2+ Sf3+ 3.Kf1! 1...Se5+ 2.Kf4+ Sf3+ 3.Se5! 1...e5 2.Kg3+ e4+ 3.Sf4+
Royal battery play |
E. Melnichenko
Draw 4 + 4 |
1.Rg2! [1.Rf2? g:f2 2.Sd2 Kf4! (or 2...Be4! 3.Kh2 Kf4) 3.h4 Bd5 (3...Kg4 4.Kh2 K:h4? 5.S:f3+!) 4.h5 Bc4! 5.h6 f1=Q+ 6.S:f1 B:f1 7.h7 Kg3] 1...f2 [1...Bb7 2.Kg1 (or 2.Sd2) 2.Sd2 Kg5 3.Sf1 Kh4 4.Sd2 [4.S:g3? K:h3] 4...K:h3 [4...Kh5 5.Sf1] 5.Sf3!! f1=Q+ 6.Sg1+ Q:g1+ [6...K~ Pat] 7.K:g1 B:g2 Pat = |
Christopher Jones
H3# b) g5 to c4 5 + 11 |
a) 1.Rd3 e:d3 2.e2 d4+ 3.c:d4 R:e2#
b) 1.Rf4 Rf2 2.e:f2 e4 3.d:e4 Bc3# |
V. Ribakov
S2# 12 + 9 |
1.Qg2! threat: 2.Qe2+ S:e2# 1...Kc4 2.Qb7! S~# 1...h:g2 2.R:g4 S~# 1...Sf3+ 2.Qf1+ R:f1# |
2nd Round
A. Feoktistov
2# 10 + 4 |
1.Qf1! threat 2.Qa1# 1...Kd4 2.Sc4# 1...Kf6 2.Bg3#
Try 1.Rf4? zz 1...Kd4 2.Sg4# 1...K:f4 2.Bg3# 1...B~ 2.Qd6# but: 1...Bc6! |
Avner, Rehm, Gruber, Elinghoven
3# 7 + 11 |
1.Bf4! threat 2.B:c7 ~ 3.Sb6# 1...Ra1 2.S:b4+ c:b4 3.Bc6# 1...Rh8 2.Be6+ S:e6 3.Rd7# 1...Bg3 2.Re5+ f:e5 3.S6e7# 1...e3 2.Bg4! ~ 3.Bf3#
Black defenses remove rear guard that use an indirect battery. |
Kirilov, Storozhenko, Fomichev
4# 6 + 9 |
1.Sd4! threat 2.Rg4+ Ke3 3.Bf4+ 1...d:e5 2.Sb5! (3.R:e5#) 2...Bd6+ 3.K:d6 1...Ke3 2.Rg3+ Ke4 3.Bf3+
M. Kwiatkovski
Win 5 + 6 |
1.a7! [1.Kg4? Bd4! 2.Bc3 B:f2 3.Bb4 Kg7 =; 1.Bd2? K:h5] 1...a2 2.Kg4! [2.a8=Q? a1=Q 3.Q:c6+ Bf6! (3...Qf6+? 4.Kg4 e3 5.Q:f6+ B:f6 6.f:e3 win)] 2...e3 3.Bc3! a1=Q 4.B:a1 e:f2 5.Bf6! [5.a8=Q? f1=Q 6.Q:c6+ Bf6 7.Q:f6+ Q:f6 8.B:f6 = ] 5...B:f6 [5...f1=Q 6.Bg5#] 6.a8=Q f1=Q [6...Kg7 7.Qa7+ Kg8 8.Q:f2 wins] 7.Qf8+ Bg7 8.Q:f1 wins |
Jonsson, Wiehagen
H2# b) a5 - to a6 10 + 7 |
a) 1.R:g2 c3 2.S:c3 Qe4#
b) 1.B:h6 c4 2.S:c4 Qg6# |
A. Tungler
S3# 8 + 13 |
1.Sg1! threat 2.Rh3+ B:h3 3.R:g4+ Q,B:g4# 1...Bh1 2.e3! (3.B:g5+ Q:g5#) 2...d4 3.R:g4+ Q:g4# 2...S:f6 3.Rh3+ S:h3# 1...Bh3 2.e4! (R:g4+ Q,B:g4#) 2...B:g3 3.S:f3+ g:f3# 2...S:f6 3.Q:g5+ Q:g5# |