Yearly Meeting of the Israeli Chess Composition Society
February 21, 2009
The meeting was held in the Metropolitan Hotel in Tel Aviv.
Attended the meeting:
Uri Avner, Yoel Aloni, Hillel Aloni, Yosi Retter, Aaron Hirschenson, Semion Shifrin, Leonid Lubashevsky, Paz Einat,
Mark Erenburg, Dmitry Baibikov, Menachem Witztum, Branislav Djurasevic, Evgeni Bourd, Emanuel Navon, Nissim Ben-Nun,
Ofer Comay, Gady Costeff, Israel Han
Yosi Retter | Mark Erenburg & Semion Shifrin | Israel Han | Evgeni Bourd |
Photos courtesy Branislav Djurasevic and Menachem Witztum. More Photos...
A. Composition Tourney: Mate in 2 moves - Directed and judged by Evgeni Bourd
B. Composition Tourney: Helpmate in 2 moves - Directed and judged by Paz Einat
C. Mini-lecture - Branislav Djurasevic. Title: Consecutive twins in Two-movers.
A. Composition Tourney: Mate in 2 moves - Directed and judged by Evgeni Bourd
Theme: In at least two phases (set/try/solution) there is an unpin of the same white piece: once by white and once by black.
The unpin can be by any form (withdrawal of interference).
Paz Einat Yearly meeting of Israeli Problemists Tel Aviv 2009
1.Kb5? 2.Rxe5 A # but 1...Re8 a !
Yosi Retter Yearly meeting of Israeli Problemists Tel Aviv 2009
1.Kc7? 2.Sb5,Sc4# but
Mark Erenburg Yearly meeting of Israeli Problemists Tel Aviv 2009
1.f3? 2.S3c4# |
Hirschenson Yearly meeting of Israeli Problemists Tel Aviv 2009
1.Kg6? 2.Rf4,Sg3# but 1...Se2!
Israel Han Yearly meeting of Israeli Problemists Tel Aviv 2009
#2 ( 12 + 6 )
1.Ke8,f8,g8? 2.Sxc5,Sg5# but 1...Rc8+! 1.Kg6? 2.Sxc5,Sg5# but 1...Bxe6! 1.Sc8! 2.Sd6# 1...Rd5 2.Sg5# 1...Sc4 2.Sxc5# 1...Rxc8,Bxe6 2.Rxe5,fxe6# |
Djurasevic Yearly meeting of Israeli Problemists Tel Aviv 2009
#2 ( 7 + 7 )
1...Kf7 2.d8=Q# 1.Kd6! 2.e8=S# 1...Qf8 2.exf8=Q,R,B,S# 1...Kf7 2.e8=Q# 1...Qxe7+ 2.Qxe7# 1...Bxb7 2.Rf1# |
B. Composition Tourney: Helpmate in 2 moves - Directed and judged by Paz Einat
Theme: In the diagram position there is a direct white half-battery. Any idea fulfilling this requirement will be regarded as thematic
Mark Erenburg Yearly meeting of Israeli Problemists Tel Aviv 2009
b) wRe3-->e2
Version by author March 26, 2009
Highly complex! Unpins, self-unpins and self-pins. The white play is convincing with the dual avoidance emphasizing the self-unpins, and the direct half-battery is transformed into indirect batteries.
a) 1.Qd3 Se5 2.Kc3 Se4 # |
Witztum Yearly meeting of Israeli Problemists Tel Aviv 2009
Black exchanges his first and
second moves while white exchange the places of the two pieces making
the first and second moves.
a) 1.Qxf5 Se3 2.Qxe4 Bc7 #
Evgeni Bourd Yearly meeting of Israeli Problemists Tel Aviv 2009
In the first two solutions
black takes care of removing one of the white pieces from the
half-battery, while firing a check on the way.
1.Sxf6 Kf2 2.Sd5 + Sf3 # |
Djurasevic Yearly meeting of Israeli Problemists Tel Aviv 2009
During the meeting no anticipation check was done by the judges. The first half of the problem
is anticipated by
Jorma Paavilainen,
3rd Honourable
Mention |
Leonid Makaronez Leonid
Lubashevsky Yearly meeting of Israeli Problemists Tel Aviv 2009
1.Bxb4 Be2 2.Bxa5 cxd5 # |
Leonid Makaronez Leonid
Lubashevsky Yearly meeting of Israeli Problemists Tel Aviv 2009
a) 1.Qxb6 Bxb3 2.Qc6 bxc6 # b) 1.Qxd4 Be2 2.Qdd5 cxd5 # |
C. Mini-lecture - Branislav Djurasevic. Title: Consecutive twins in Two-movers.
Gyorgy BAKCSI 2nd Prize Probleemblad 1971 ![]() #2 ( 10 + 6 ) b-e after the key |
a) 1.a4! Kxc6 2.Be4# b) 1.a5! Kxc6 2.Qxf3# c) 1.a6! Kxc6 2.Qc5# d) 1.a7! Kxc6 2.a8=Q# e) 1.a8=S! Kxc6 2.Qxf3# Excelsior, Changed mates |
Dragan Stojnic Politika 2009 ![]() #2 ( 13 + 7 ) b-k after the key |
a) 1.e8=S ! zz 1...Rxg7,Rxf8 2.Bxg7,Qxf8 # B) 1.g4; c)1.g5; d)1.g6 e) 1.e4; f)1.e5; g) 1.e6; h) 1.e7; i) 1.Qxb5; j) a4; k) 1.a3 Task! 11 solutions. |